Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science

Online Sakura Science 2023

An online exchange program has been held by Heat Transfer Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology under SAKURA Exchange Program in Science by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) from Oct. 6 2023 to Feb. 2 2024.

A total of 38 participants who were invited to this online exchange program are from Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, University of Ulsan, Qingdao University of Technology, Northeastern University (CN), Shandong University, and Qilu University of Technology. They positively gave presentations at International Joint Seminar on Mechanical Engineering 2022, joined online laboratory tours, and finished collaborative works by making spins and windmills with Japanese students.

This online event enhanced the international exchange among all the participants. Kyutech will keep the relationship with its partner universities for education development.

Link: https://www.kyutech.ac.jp/whats-new/topics/entry-9643.html

Wentao Chen
Wentao Chen
Research Fellow

My research interests include near-field heat transfer, thermal transport at the solid-solid and solid-liquid interface, and molecular dynamics simulation.